ProposalSpace has always allowed call admins to customize the terminology used for roles people play in a proposal. You can configure your call to use whatever terms you want... "speakers", "presenters", "authors", "collaborators", etc.
Now, you can also configure what information you collect about each of those people. Using our drag-and-drop form builder, you can create a custom form to collect information like qualifications, disclosure statements, membership status, favorite football team... whatever you want! Questions can be optional or required and are unique to each role you've established.
To access the feature, just go to your call's configuration page and click on "Roles". You'll see a link there (under each role you've created) to "Customize Form". If you have an active call in place, don't worry. We've carefully moved the previous questions—name, organization and disclosure—over to the new feature.
Oh, and we've included this new feature in our core modules, so there's no need to ask for an upgrade or to pay extra to use it. It's available to everyone right away.